1. Product Introduction
2. Application Scenarios
3. Regulatory Compliance
4. User Guide
5. Front End Access
5.1 Web Access
5.2 Configurations
5.3 Methods
5.4 Event
5.5 Custom style
5.6 Custom language
6. Backend Access (App/Website backend Integration)
6.1 SDK-JAVA Version
6.2 SDK-PHP Version
6.3 SDK-Python Version
6.4 Golang SDK

User Manual of atbCAPTCHA

1. Product Introduction

AtbCAPTCHA uses an powerful risk analysis engine to help companys prevent and control bot risks.

2. Application Scenarios

  • Account Security:prevent bot registration, defend brute force cracking etc.
  • Data Security:prevent automatic crawling of data on the Website/App.
  • Marketing Security:prevent illegal snatch of coupons and credit exchanges for profits, and prevent ticket scalpers.

3. Regulatory Compliance

GDPR/CCPA Compliant、ePrivacy Regulation、PDPA Compliant、PCI SSC

4. User Guide

  1. Registration: Visit the official website, register an account, and login to the console;
  2. Activate the atbCAPTCHA service: create Applcation,obtain apiServer, appld, and appSecret;
  3. Read the development manual;
  4. SDK integration and release

5. Front End Access

Visit the official website, login the console after account registration, and access the "atbCAPTCHA " module. After applying for activation, the system will assign the unique AppId and AppSecret.

  • It supports Web access, compatible with such mainstream browsers as IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari Browser.

5.1 Web Access

Environmental prerequisites

Compatible with mainstream browsers suh as IE8+, Chrome, Firefox etc.

Acquisition of appId

First, visit the "Application Management" or "Application Configuration" module in the console (or click on the login button on the top right corner), and find the appId.

Acquisition of apiServer

Log into the console and check the "apiServer" displayed on the upper left corner of the "Application Management" page.

Usage of the script

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" id="as-captcha-script"></script>

Note: atbCAPTCHA script is frequently updated, please do use the resources on the CDN for the latest security updates. Do not use a copy on your own server.


Below are valina JavaScript, React and Vue demos.

Javascript example

Assuming that there is a <div id="demo"></div> on the page, atbCAPTCHA can be initialized as follows.

var myCaptcha = as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
  appId: 'your appId', // appId, Obtaining from the console "Application Management" or "Application Configuration" module,
  apiServer: '',
  // apiServer, The domain name address is obtained in the top left corner of the console page -> atbCAPTCHA -> "Application Management" page. It is a must to fill in it completely, including https://.
  success: function (token) {
    console.log('token:', token)
    // The atbCAPTCHA token is obtained for back-end verification. Note that if the obtained token is a string starting with sl, it is a downgraded token generated by the front-end network blocked. Please check the front-end network and apiServer address.

After initialization, the abtCAPTCHA component will be inserted into <div id="demo"></div>.

React example

Assuming that there is a <div id="demo"></div> on the page, the abtCAPTCHA can be initialized as follows:

// class component use componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {
  as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
    appId: 'appId',
    apiServer: '',
    success: function (token) {
      console.log('token:', token)
}, [])

After initialization, atbCAPTCHA component will be inserted into <div id="demo"></div>.

Vue example

Assuming that there is a <div ref="demo"></div> on the page, the abtCAPTCHA can be initialized as follows:

mounted() {
  as.Captcha(this.$refs.demo, {
    appId: 'appId',
    apiServer: '',
    success: function (token) {
      console.log('token:', token)

After initialization, the atbCAPTCHA component will be inserted into <div ref="demo"></div>.

Appearance and dimensions

There are four styles of atbCAPTCHA:

  • embed (by default): The default width in this style is 300px, which can be adjusted through the width option during initialization. The default height is 200px, which is fixed.
  • inline: This style uses smaller area. Default with and height are the same as embed.
  • popup: The abtCAPTCHA is not shown by default in this style. After calling the show() method, it will popup.
  • oneclick: This style uses the smallest area. The default height of this UI is 40px and not open to configuration.

5.2 Configurations

General Configurations

There are several configurations.

Name Required Type Description
appId Yes String The unique identity of the current application
style No String embed (default), inline, popup, and oneclick
inlineFloatPosition No String Float position, valid only when the style is inline. The options are up (default) and down
oneClickFloatPosition No String Floating layer position. This parameter is valid only when the style value is oneclick. The option can be up
width No Number Control (slider) width in pixels. Default is 300
language No String The options are cn (Chinese) and en (English)
success No Function Successful authentication callback function, the first argument is token of the current authentication, which is needed in subsequent server authentication requests. Note: This callback fires on both explicity and implicit successful authentications.
fail No Function Callback function on authentication failure, with the first argument as an error object.

Advanced styles/language configurations

These are some advanced configuration options.

Name Required Type Description
customStyle No Object Custom styles
customLanguage No Object Custom languages

Advanced configurations

Generally speaking, these configurations are not needed unless you know exactly what they mean.

Name Required Type Description
apiServer No String custom API services address, The format is like or。
logoServer No String custom verification of no sensation logo services address, The format is like。
protocol No String The value can be http or https. The default value is https
timeout No Number Timeout duration, in milliseconds. The default value is 6000. Note that you can set a timeout for only some requests
constID_options No Object constID initialization configuration parameters, such parameters conflict with external parameters (for example, appId is also defined and is different from external appId, use this parameter
uid No String A unique ID used to identify the user, returned when tokenVerify is called on the back end

5.3 Methods

The atbCAPTCHA instance has the following methods:

reload() reload the current atbCAPTCHA

Attention! Please do not call reload() in the success callback, because the success callback will be called repeatedly when the senseless verification is enabled.



show() show the current atbCAPTCHA

If the current atbCAPTCHA is displayed, and "style" is the verification code of "popup", which is hidden by default. The access user needs to call the show() method to display and hide the current atbCAPTCHA according to the page logic.


hide() hide the current CAPTCHA



5.4 Event

The abtCAPTCHA can be used to listen to events in the following ways:

myCaptcha.on('ready', function () {
  console.log('captcha is ready!')

myCaptcha.on('verifySuccess', function (security_code) {
  console.log('security_code is: ' + security_code)

myCaptcha.on('hide', function () {
  console.log('The verification code control is hidden. ')

The atbCAPTCHA of basic types support the following events:

Initialization phase

The atbCAPTCHA triggers the following events in sequence during the initialization phase:

Name Description
render The render event capTcha starts to render
passByServer [atbCAPTCHA ] Pass, the server determines that the verification can pass directly, without user interaction. If this event is triggered, abtCAPTCHA is displayed directly as the verification passed status, with no subsequent phases of user interaction. This event takes a parameter token
ready The atbCAPTCHA is ready and can be triggered upon user input. Note: If Authentication is passed, this event is not triggered and the passByServer event is directly entered

If the load fails, the following events will be triggered in order:

Name Description
render The render event capTcha starts to render
loadFail Triggered when loading fails

User interaction phase

Name Description
dragStart The user starts dragging the slider
dragging Triggered several times when the user drags the slider
dragEnd The user releases the slider, ending the drag
verify Submits data to the verification interface for verification
verifyDone The verification interface returned data. Procedure
verifySuccess The verification interface returned data. Procedure, And the result is success. This event takes a token parameter
verifyFail The verification interface returned data. Procedure, And the result is failed

Other events

Name Description
show Triggered when abtCAPTCHA control is displayed
hide Triggered when abtCAPTCHA control is hidden


Description: All events have corresponding "before_" event and the "after_" event, which is triggered before and after the event.

For example, the "load" event corresponds to three events: "before_load", "load" and "after_load".

5.5 Custom style

If you are familiar with CSS, you can directly write your own CSS to replace the style of the atbCAPTCHA component. Or you can pass in a "customStyle" parameter during the initialization of the atbCAPTCHA to customize some styles.


var appId = '【your appid】'
var myCaptcha = as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
  appId: appId,

  // start to customize style
  customStyle: {
    bgColor: '#cccc00' // <-- control background color

  success: function (token) {
    console.log('success, token:', token)

Parameter details

The "customStyle" currently supports the following parameters, all of which are optional:

Name Type Description
bgColor String Control background color, CSS color format, such as #ff0000, rgb(255, 0, 0)

Note: Different types of CAPTCHA support different custom styles. The above is just a simple example of general purpose custom style attributes.

Custom style example of sliding verification:

bar: {
  normalTextColor: 'pink', // Text color at slider and the prompt area "basic_lang", eg: "Loading" and other words lang,
  normalBgColor: 'blue', // slider background color
  normalBdColor: '' // slider border color
  normalTextColor: 'red', // slider font color
  slidingBgColor: 'lime', // background color of sliding area
  slidingBdColor: 'red', // border color of sliding area
  hoverHideText: true, // and hide prompt text on the slider in the case of hover, eg:  Drag the left slider to the correct gap (not supported by IE8 and older versions)
  successTextColor: 'red' // the color of the prompt text in the case of successful verification
  successIcon: '', // the picture prompt in the case of the successful verification is taken from the "container" by default
  successBgColor: '', // the background color of the "bar" in the case of successful verification
  successBdColor: '', // the border color of the "bar" in the case of successful verification
  failBgColor: '', // the background color of the post-sliding area after the verification fails
  failBdColor: '', // and the border color of the post-sliding area after the verification fails

bgColor: '', // Background color of "box", that is, the verification code image and the container of the slider

slider: {
  normalBgSrc: '', // container.img_slider_normal
  hoverBgSrc: '', // img_slider_hover
  focusBgSrc: '', // img_slider_focus
  loadingBgSrc: '', // img_slider_loading_bg
  errorBgSrc: '', // img_slider_error
  loadingGifSrc: '', // img_slider_loading_gif

5.6 Custom language

AbtCAPTCHA is provided in English and Chinese. If you need to customize the language, or just adjust a copywriting sentence in the existing language, you can pass in the parameter "customLanguage" during initialization to customize the language.


var appId = '【your appid】'
var myCaptcha = as.Captcha(document.getElementById('demo'), {
  appId: appId,

  // Let's customize the language
  customLanguage: {
    init_inform: 'Drag', // <-- Prompt copywriting during initialization
    slide_inform: 'to right' // <-- Prompt copywriting in the slider

  success: function (token) {
    window.console && console.log('success, token:', token)

Parameter details

The customLanguage currently contains the following statements:

Note: The content format of "load_fail" at the Android end:" Loading failed, <a href=\"#\">Please try again</a>!"

Name Reference value Description
load_fail Load fail! (<a href="#">Retry</a>)
load_too_much Load too much! (<a href="#">Retry</a>)
two_step_load_too_much Too many attempts. Please try again later. The loading times of the secondary CAPTCHA too many
loading loading...
pass_by_server Verification succeeded! Successful verification with no sensation
reload_captcha Refresh
smart_checking Checking intelligent detection
verify Verify
verify_fail Verify fail! (<a href="#">Retry</a>)
verify_success Verification succeeded!
verifying Verifing...
init_inform Drag the slider bellow
slide_inform Please drag the slider
rotate_inform Please drag the slider
jigsaw_init_inform <span style="color:#F56A00;">Drag the picture</span> to complete the puzzle Puzzle CAPTCHA initialization prompts
jigsaw_verify_success Congratulations Jigsaw puzzle verification successfully
jigsaw_verify_fail Verification failed, please reverify Jigsaw puzzle verification failed
jigsaw_try_too_much System is busy, please reverify Too many puzzle verification failures
jigsaw_fail_inform Please correct the puzzle Jigsaw puzzle verification failed
scratch_init_inform Hold the left mouse button to scrape
scratch_verify_success Congratulations
scratch_verify_fail Verification failed, please reverify
scratch_try_too_much System is busy, please reverify
scratch_total_cost It took Scratch cards take time
scratch_seconds seconds
scratch_show demo Scratch card demonstration
hint_msg Please click <span class="captcha_em">in order</span>:
hint_msg2 Please click
hint_order_msg Please click <span class="captcha_em">in order</span> Click on the validation sequence prompt
hint_reclick Click again to cancel Click Verify and click the prompt again
hint_fail Verification failed, please click again Click Verification Verification failure prompt

6. Backend Access (App/Website backend Integration)

When abtCAPTCHA succeeded, the abtCAPTCHA server will return a token to client. You need add the abtCAPTCHA token into your form data , and your website server need to call the verification API to verify if token is valid.

Visit the abtCAPTCHA console, login the console after account registration, and access the "abtCAPTCHA " module. After applying for activation, the system will assign the unique AppId and AppSecret.

We provide backend SDK to verify whether the token (i.e. security credentials) is legal. Currently, it supports Java, PHP, Golang and Python.

The data returned by the token verification API

Name Type Description
success Boolean Whether it was successful, true/false
msg String error message
ip String ip address of the client
code String error code

Description of error code

Code Description
1001 wrong AppId
1002 Signature error. Please check whether AppId and AppSecret are correct
1003 The token is invalid or has expired (the token is a one-time use and only valid for two minutes)
1004 The parameter is incorrect. Check whether the AppId used on the back-end page is the same as that on the front-end page
1005 if ip address is passed for the token verification API and the verification fails. That is, the ip address from CAPTCHA client is inconsistent with the service request ip address

6.1 SDK-JAVA Version

Download the SDK of Java7 and the later. Click to download. Please contact the online customer service on the official website for other versions.

The maven dependency

/** The initialization parameters are appid and appSecret 
 * The appid is consistent with the appid of the frontend, and the appid can be disclosed 
 * The appSecret is the secret key, please do not disclose it 
 * The token can be obtained after the verification is completed at the frontend and sent to the backend with the your Form/XHR request. The token is valid for two minutes 
String appId = "appId";
String appSecret = "appSecret";
CaptchaClient captchaClient = new CaptchaClient(appId,appSecret);
CaptchaResponse response = captchaClient.verifyToken(token);
// A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
if (response.getResult()) {
    /** The token verification passes, to continue other processes **/
} else {
    /** If the token verification fails, you can directly block the request or continue to pop up the CAPTCHA **/

6.2 SDK-PHP Version

Download PHP version SDK:  Click to download

include ("CaptchaClient.php");
/** The initialization parameters are appid and appSecret 
 * The appid is consistent with the appid of the frontend, and the appid can be disclosed 
 * The appSecret is the secret key, please do not disclose it 
 * The token can be obtained after the verification is completed at the frontend and sent to the backend with the your Form/XHR request. The token is valid for two minutes 
$appId = "appId";
$appSecret = "appSecret";
$client = new CaptchaClient($appId,$appSecret);
$client->setTimeOut(2);      // Set the timeout, 2 seconds by default; 
$response = $client->verifyToken(token);  // ; The token refers to the value passed from the frontend, that is, the token issued after the verification code is successfully verified
echo $response->serverStatus;
// A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
    echo "true";
    /** the token verification passes, to continue other processes **/
    echo "false";
    /** Verification failed **/

6.3 SDK-Python Version

Download SDK of Python version:  Click to download

from CaptchaClient import CaptchaClient

if __name__ == '__main__':
    APP_ID = '12610axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    APP_SECRET = 'a3e56cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    captchaClient = CaptchaClient(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
    # Set the timeout, 2 seconds by default
    response = captchaClient.checkToken("token")
    print response['serverStatus']
    # A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
    print response['result']
    if response['result']:
        # the token verification passes, to continue other processes; 
        # If the verification fails, you can directly block the request or continue to pop up the CAPTCHA 

6.4 Golang SDK

SDK download address

// Version Go 1.13 

import "./captcha-client"

/** The initialization parameters are appid and appSecret 
 * The appid is consistent with the appid of the frontend, and the appid can be disclosed 
 * The appSecret is the secret key, please do not disclose it 
 * The token can be obtained after the verification is completed at the frontend and sent to the backend with the your Form/XHR request. The token is valid for two minutes 
appId := "appId"
appSecret := "appSecret"
captchaClient := captcha_client.NewCaptchaClient(appId, appSecret)
// Set the timeout, in milliseconds, 2 seconds by default 
captchaResponse := captchaClient.VerifyToken(token)
// A fault-tolerant mechanism is designed in the SDK, response.getResult() will be returned true if there is an exception in the network
if captchaResponse.Result {
    /* The verification passes, to continue other processes  */
} else {
    /* If the verification fails, you can directly block the request or continue to pop up the CAPTCHA  */
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