How to Identify: Is the Voice on the Phone Cloned by Scammers?

Voice cloning technology uses AI and algorithms to replicate a person's voice, making it sound almost identical to the original. This technology can be applied in movie dubbing and speech synthesis, and it has broad application prospects in fields such as healthcare, education, and virtual assistants. For example, it helps people who have lost their voice regain their speech ability, create audiobooks, create personalized digital assistants, and provide natural text-to-speech and speech translation services.


There are three main ways of voice cloning: playback-based cloning, synthesis-based cloning, and mimicry-based cloning.

  1. Playback-based Cloning This method involves copying the recording of the speaker's voice and then using playback and deep learning algorithms to simulate and replicate the speaker's voice. There are two main types: far-field detection and cut-and-paste detection. Far-field detection uses a hands-free phone to play the victim's recording, while cut-and-paste forges sentences requested from text-dependent systems.

  2. Synthesis-based Cloning Voice synthesis-based voice cloning uses software or hardware systems to convert text into natural speech in real-time. Such systems typically consist of three modules: a text analysis model, an acoustic model, and a vocoder. First, clear and well-structured original audio and corresponding text transcriptions need to be collected. Then, using this data, a text-to-speech model is trained to build a synthetic audio generation model. The text analysis module converts the input text into linguistic features, the acoustic module extracts the target speaker's parameters based on these features, and finally, the vocoder creates the human voice waveform based on these parameters, generating the final audio file.

  3. Mimicry-based Cloning Mimicry-based voice cloning, also known as voice conversion, is a method of converting the original speech of one speaker to sound like another speaker. This technology tries to mimic the target voice without changing the linguistic information by altering the style, tone, or prosody of the voice signal. This technique usually uses generative adversarial networks (GANs) for mimicry generation, offering high flexibility and quality, and can change the style, tone, or prosody of the voice while keeping the input text unchanged.

Voice Cloning as a New Means for Scammers

The development of voice cloning technology has brought revolutionary changes to speech synthesis, personalized services, and other fields. However, the double-edged nature of technology has also led to an increase in fraud activities based on voice cloning. Voice cloning is being used by criminals to carry out various and increasingly rampant fraud schemes.


Social Media Fraud. Scammers use cloned voices to impersonate public figures or the victim's relatives and friends on social media to carry out fraudulent activities.

Social Tools or Phone Fraud. By sending forged voice messages through social tools or directly making phone calls, scammers induce victims to disclose sensitive information or directly transfer money.

Remote Meeting Attacks. In remote meetings, scammers use cloned voices of participants to interfere or mislead, stealing business secrets or personal data.

Fake News Information. Scammers use cloned voices in fake news information to increase the credibility of the information, tricking victims into falling for it.

How to Prevent Voice Cloning Fraud

Using forged voices, attackers utilize various media such as social media, email, remote meetings, online recruitment, and news information to target and attack their audience. To prevent and combat voice cloning fraud, it is crucial to effectively identify and detect forged voices while also preventing the utilization and spread of voice cloning. Therefore, individuals should reduce sharing sensitive information and implement multiple preventive measures. Platforms utilized by attackers need to strengthen the identification of voice cloning and reduce fraudulent activities by analyzing and verifying user behavior and identity. Additionally, AI tools for voice anti-counterfeiting can provide security for voice communication.

Individual Preventive Strategies

  1. Reduce Sharing of Sensitive Information. Avoid sharing sensitive information such as personal photos, voices, and videos on social media, and reduce public disclosure of private information such as personal accounts, family, and work to lower the risk of identity forgery. If "deepfake" content is discovered, it should be reported to social media administrators and law enforcement authorities immediately, and measures should be taken to delete and trace the source.

  2. Proactive Prevention by Voice Cloning Victims. Set a "safety word" or "challenge question" known only to close friends, family, and colleagues, to verify the identity of the caller when receiving suspicious calls or messages. If the other party cannot provide the correct "safety word" or avoids the question, hang up immediately and confirm through known safe contact methods.

  3. Recipient Vigilance. When receiving suspicious videos or calls, remain calm, make an excuse about bad signal to hang up, and call back immediately through other means to avoid directly responding to potential fraudulent content.

Platform and Technology Preventive Measures

1.Enhance Voice Cloning Detection Technology. Social media and communication platforms should strengthen their ability to identify voice cloning using advanced AI technology for voice authenticity verification, promptly detecting and intercepting suspicious content. Develop and apply AI tools for voice anti-counterfeiting, such as using voiceprint recognition technology to confirm the authenticity of the voice, providing security for voice communication.

  1. Identify Attackers Based on User Behavior and Identity. Platforms should establish a security alert mechanism by analyzing user behavior patterns and identity information, monitoring and restricting suspicious activities such as abnormal logins and high-frequency message sending. Additionally, analyzing user behavior patterns such as mouse movement and typing style to identify anomalies, marking suspicious activities that deviate from normal use. Implement additional identity and device verification, and use large models to quickly screen vast amounts of data and detect subtle inconsistencies usually unnoticed by humans, identifying attackers' abnormal operations.

Dingxiang Device Fingerprinting can generate a unified and unique device fingerprint for each device. It builds a multi-dimensional recognition strategy model based on devices, environments, and behaviors to identify risk devices such as virtual machines, proxy servers, and emulators being maliciously controlled. It analyzes whether the device has multiple account logins, frequent IP address changes, or frequent device attribute changes, tracking and identifying fraudster activities. This helps enterprises achieve unified ID operations across all scenarios and channels, supporting cross-channel risk identification and control.

Dingxiang atbCAPTCHA, based on AIGC technology, can prevent threats such as AI brute force attacks, automated attacks, and phishing attacks, effectively preventing unauthorized access, account hijacking, and malicious operations, thereby protecting system stability. It integrates 13 verification methods and multiple prevention and control strategies, with 4,380 risk strategies, 112 types of risk intelligence, covering 24 industries and 118 types of risks. Its prevention and control accuracy rate is as high as 99.9%, and it can quickly convert risks into intelligence. It also supports seamless user experience for secure users, reducing real-time response handling to within 60 seconds, further enhancing the convenience and efficiency of digital login services.

Dingxiang Dinsight helps enterprises with risk assessment, anti-fraud analysis, and real-time monitoring, improving the efficiency and accuracy of risk control. Dinsight's average processing speed for daily risk control strategies is within 100 milliseconds, supporting the configuration and accumulation of multi-source data. It leverages experience in mature indicators, strategies, and models, as well as deep learning technology, to achieve self-monitoring and self-iterating mechanisms for risk control performance. Paired with the Xintell intelligent model platform, it can automatically optimize security strategies for known risks, detect potential risks based on risk control logs and data mining, and support risk control strategies for different scenarios with one-click configuration. Its technology, based on association networks and deep learning, standardizes the complex processes of data processing, mining, and machine learning, offering end-to-end modeling services from data processing, feature derivation, model building to final model deployment.

Application of AI Tools for Voice Anti-counterfeiting

AI voice integration tools can also embed indelible watermarks, such as slight disturbances, random noise, or fixed background rhythms, which can be identified by the listener. Additionally, hardware for recording audio with AI voice integration tools can include built-in sensors to detect and measure biological signals produced by the human body while speaking, such as heartbeat, lung movements, vocal cord vibrations, and movements of the lips, jaw, and tongue. These recorded signals can be attached to the audio, providing verifiable information to the listener to distinguish whether the voice is naturally recorded or AI-forged.

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